Hello Everyone!
My name is Huy, I am a Canadian fisherman that was born and raised in a small town, Whitecourt, just north of Edmonton, Alberta. I come from a long line of fishermen. My ancestors and family fished for a living prior to the Vietnam War. My dad was fortunate enough to immigrate into Canada during the war. He then learned the fishing methods used in North America and soon later on passed his skills to me. I've been fishing since I was 7 years old and haven't stopped since. I mainly catch and release but sometimes take fish home for dinner to enjoy with my wife.
Find me on Instagram or check out my youtube @huyfishin for some great fishin'! Contact:

My name is Jenn and I am the life partner of Huyfishin. I am a Canadian angler that was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta. I graduated from University of Alberta with a Bachelors in Earth and Atmospheric Science and Biological Science. Located on Vancouver Island, I am a freelance graphic designer that creates digital/traditional art and signage. I am a huge environmentalist and a strong believer in sustainable living. Sustainability is a lifestyle that I follow to reduce the use of the Earth's natural resources. I love gardening because I believe it's important to enjoy the fruit of your labor with each harvest and to simply know where your food is coming from. Most of all, I love fishing because I enjoy catching what I eat and leaving behind what can still grow to bring forth more life for the future.
Find me on Instagram @forfishsakes or catch me on the water!